rolf thomas steiner

What Makes My Personal Coaching Sessions Unique?

Helping people find freedom from the issues that hold them back in life,is what my passion is since over 30 years.

There is nothing more gratifying than to empower and heal people so that they truly can live their lifes purpose and full potential.I offer a process to help people become more present, compassionate, and empowered in their lives, to uncover conditioned believes and patterns, and to discover the resources they already have within for living a life of authenticity and fulfillment, regardless of the circumstances.

I,m   highly qualified not only in Hypno&Transformational Therapy but have a vast background in the study of the mind&human behaviour from Yogic Philosophy,Meditation,Trauma Therapy,Body Centered Psychology,Energetic Healing,Nutrition,Quantumphysics .My gifts include:presence,deep listening scills,highly intuitive,well trained in various modalities and the ability to help people to uncover that which they cannot fully see in themselves, awareness practices that allow  us to unplug from old unconscious habits and patterns in order to have more choice and freedom in our response to life. I offer life -changing retreats&seminars in Switzerland and Italy together with my Partner Beatrice Pfister.

we repeat what we don`t heal or transform

I conduct my sessions in german & english


Why do we need to take care of our old baggage,which is holding us back on so many levels?

At the left side Foto,you can see how our unresolved Emotions influence our lives and keep us suffering in pain or find joy and love.The quality of your life is in your own hands,take this chance,because there is no accident that you have turned up on this Website,well have found what you have been looking for.


Most of us have reacted to thousands of situations over a lifetime that left an impression. Call them psychological impressions, trauma,emotional hardship or karmic imprints;the terminology does not matter.In all cases, the result is the same. An impression is like a microchip that sends out the same message over and over. It makes us respond/react the same way over and over again, which is the opposite of actually being real and present in the now.

How much a session cost

RTT full session 90 minutes&Audio Recording 200 Euro/200 CHF


RTT mini session 45 minutes no Recording 120 Euro/120 CHF


RTT stop smoking series 1-3 sessions 400 Euro/400 CHF


RTT Ideal weight series 5-6 sessions 800 Euro/800 CHF


Regular talking session, Coaching, Supervision, DETC 150 Euro/150CHF


Aura Reading 60 minutes&Audio Recording 150 Euro/150 CHF


Regular 30 minutes talking session,Coaching,Supervision,DETC  80 Euro/80 CHF



Rolf Steiner

28900 Bee/Verbania Italy

Telephone: 0041765752539

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